Topic: South Atlantic & Indian Ocean Weather Charts
posted November 12, 2009 01:29 PM
Can anyone direct me to a source for weather information for the South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean? I'm tracking the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race and can't seem to find anything. Even NWS doesn't that area. Help please? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. From So. Africa the race goes to Western Australia then to Sinapore, then Qingdao then California thru the Canal to Jamacia to NY then Cape Briton then finally the UK.
Thank you.
From: oregon
David Burch
posted November 12, 2009 08:03 PM
There are several sources. For the best you would have to be more specific. However the easiest quick solution is to use ugrib. Just download and install the free viewer at
Then select the region you want and display it. These data are from the US NWS GFS model. This and other sources of GRIB data are covered in Modern Marine Weather.
A sample just downloaded is below, valid Nov 12, 09 at 18Z:
From: Starpath, Seattle, WA
posted November 13, 2009 03:00 PM
Thank you for the suggestion. I went there and did what you said. Fantastic! But now, how do I capture and print the weather chart? Da, like you did with your example.
From: oregon
David Burch
posted November 13, 2009 03:28 PM
You can use Print Screen from your keyboard, that captures the full screen image to your clipboard, then you can paste that into some graphics program to crop, resize, annotate, etc.
If you do not have one, then you can use the windows default version called MSPaint.
Start, Run, MSPaint. when it opens, do paste.
this of course is PC talk. if you use a mac, we have to get help elsewhere or post again and we will figure out how to do it on a mac.
PS, we actually use a program called Paint Shop Pro, which is one we prefer for this type of simple graphics manipulation. there are many, including quite a few excellent freeware versions.
For high-end graphics manipulation, it is hard to beat Adobe Photoshop, which we use for more sophisticated operations.
From: Starpath, Seattle, WA
posted November 14, 2009 06:42 AM
Now you've lost me. PRINTSCREEN, I've heard about it, but don't know how to accomplish it. I checked my WINDOWS list, and PAINT is there. Wish me luck. Computers are not my strong suit.
Thank you,
From: oregon
posted November 14, 2009 09:28 AM
I've managed the PRINTSCREEN, been able to save it to Windows PRINT. It's the cropping, resizing that is my challenge. Whew! Have even been able to save it as a TIF file. Like I say, it's the resizing, cropping. In PAINT, I can select the area of the GRIB I want, but then what do I do. When I use the ATTRIBUTES I'm at a loss. Is there someone I could speak with and maybe "talk this thru?"
Adobe has a ELEMENT program, they say is not as powerful as their Photoshop, would that work? Photoshop is too expensive for me! I'm still looking into PaintShop Pro.
Thank you,
From: oregon
David Burch
posted November 14, 2009 09:37 AM
MS Paint is a crude program. to crop use the select tool, and then right click and cut....
or better still, select the section you want, then do copy and paste, ie ctrl+c then ctrl+v and you get a new picture of that section.
Elements is also more than you need, but will do it. It is popular for digital camera buffs who want to improve their pictures.
search freeware graphics software to find many options. is one of the most famous full powered free ones.... must take some time to learn the ropes. they have a good help file. it is supposed to be a free version of something like photoshop. but again, this too is way overkill.
MS paint should do the job.... we prefer paintshop pro.
From: Starpath, Seattle, WA
posted November 14, 2009 02:24 PM
For sure, PaintShop Pro is a lot cheaper. But you also hit the nail on the head. Elements is the program that I've been looking at for my digital camera work. Figured I'd take care of two issues with one. Eh? Elements 8 is $120, PaintShop Pro is $80. I haven't heard a thing about PaintShop Pro regarding photography as compared to Elements. Too, Elements is Adobe and family to PhotoShop. But like I say, at $700 is way over my range.
On the CUT and PASTE. Fantastic... You don't know what I've been going through. If you look back in the beginning of this topic, one of the Instructors sent me a "CUT & PASTE" from GRIBUS. I've been trying to do that since. Now, an Instructor gave me a "heads up on "CUT & PASTE." I was trying SELECTING and trying to save that. Then, and then, and then. Now I see what a little knowledge will do. Thank you Sir, thank you very much. I do it this way till I can afford Elements. Plus I'm looking into Memory Map. Hoping to be able to transfer what I CUT & PASTE so I can get Lon and Lat applied to the Weather GRIBS. Is that possible, do you think? In fact, why doesn't GRIBUS have Lon & Lat on their files? Reading their FAQ there surely are enough people asking for it. But like they say, "this is free!" So, I'm not going to rock the boat. Not me!
Thank you, Bruce
From: oregon