Topic: GRIB file viewer for RMS Express
posted March 11, 2015 12:28 PM
I have been unable to get ViewFax, Ugrib or NaviWeather to work with GRIB files delivered to the RMS Express inbox. I am able to send and receive emails with RMS Express, a WinLink2000 email client using a Icom HF Marine IC-802 SSB radio. The HP laptop is running Windows 7. ViewFax was able to read all GRIB files when using the Airmail email client for Sailmail. I am a new General class HAM and want to use WinLink2000 with RMS Express for SSB email and GRIB files. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.
David Burch
posted March 11, 2015 01:04 PM
I do not know what RMS Express is, but there is great virtue to the ViewFax system for requesting products from Sailmail as they have direct links to the products, and let you select grib regions graphically.
On the other hand, you can request any sailmail wx data including gribs with simple email commands send by any program. we have a discussion of this in our nav blog. search on viewfax for several articles.
Also the viewfax viewer will indeed view grib files downloaded from some other source than sailmail.
It could be there is just an issue of how you are attempting to open them from within Viewfax. Try just going to the actual file itself, where ever you are storing them, right click and say open with viewfax.
From: Starpath, Seattle, WA
David Burch
posted March 11, 2015 01:06 PM
By the way, you can test all of this from home, by switching the connection from HF radio to Internet in the setup. I believe there are instructions for this in the extensive Sailmail support documents.
From: Starpath, Seattle, WA