Topic: Saildocs Problem & Requesting Text Forecasts via FTP
Bill Updike
posted May 25, 2023 10:33 PM
Hope all is well! I’ve been rereading your book trying to understand how to get text forecasts for zones using NWS’ FTP system. Since NWS changed the zone names and coordinates for the AMZ area, you can no longer get those from Saildocs (at least as far as I can figure out). So I’m now trying to access them via FTP but not having luck. I’ve tried multiple times with various permutations but still nothing. The latest format I tried is the following:
open cd data cd forecasts cd zone cd am get amz075 quit
Am I missing something? I’ve read the FTP instructions on the NWS site but I think I’m missing something (as a side note, I don’t think the website link you have for the FTP instructions in your book is correct anymore). Thanks for any help you can provide!
David Burch
posted May 26, 2023 07:04 AM
Let me first note that the zone you are asking for is not one online any longer. See the path and contents of that folder.
It can be helpful to note this url so you can check ahead of time to see if what you are looking for is there. also you can use the url to request a file from saildocs, ie
I will look into updated zone info and how to get it and post back here shortly.
Thanks for this reminder.
From: Starpath, Seattle, WA
David Burch
posted May 26, 2023 08:10 AM
The zone you are looking for and others in the new nomenclature can be seen at
but this takes an internet connection.
You can get a forecast for this by email, by sending this request to saildocs
And you can use that format for other zones in this region.
That is not a very tidy solution in that you get back more than you need, but it is just text so very light air time load.
I will keep looking for a better solution.
From: Starpath, Seattle, WA
Bill Updike
posted May 26, 2023 09:37 AM
Thanks for the link above David. That seems to work. It’s strange that Saildocs will send the text forecasts using that link but not through the other simpler method of “send amz075”. Thanks again for your help—your book has been incredibly helpful for us during the last 3 years we have been out cruising.
Bill Updike
posted May 26, 2023 09:38 AM
Out if curiosity (and so I canhave a backup if I have problems with Saildocs), do you see something I need to change in the above script to get the FTP email to work?
David Burch
posted May 26, 2023 09:55 AM
The file you want seems to be one of the new forecast zones and they are, as far as i can tell, not in the FTP folder anywhere... and i believe saildocs relies on the forecasts being in that folder.
I have just written to the head of the dept that makes these forecasts asking about this and should learn something soon, and will post it then.
From: Starpath, Seattle, WA
David Burch
posted May 26, 2023 10:35 AM
I did not hear back yet, but i did find the files on the FTP server.
here is the right request
open cd data/forecasts/marine/offshore/am get amz075.txt quit
(you can do all the directory changes in one line or individually)
and you will get back the report.
likewise you can send this to saildocs to get the report
From: Starpath, Seattle, WA