Topic: Simple question about p-value Table 3
posted July 22, 2020 07:41 PM
I am getting to learn with Stark Tables. I don't know what is page 259 in the Nautical Almanac. I think they mentioned a version that I don't have. What is this p-value? Can I obtain the particular information, which should be at page 259, from the StarPilot-PC software program? Do they mention HP for Venus or Mars? Because in my .pdf almanac which I have, is HP for Venus and Mars is given every 3 days.
From: Grashoff
Capt Steve Miller
posted July 23, 2020 08:04 AM
I have attached an image of the bottom of page 259 from the 2001 NA referred to on page -x- of the Stark Tables book. As you can see 'p' is the parallax of Venus and Mars, which is dependent on the year and month of the year. 'p' is an additional correction applied when doing a Sight Reduction. Page 259 has the same information in every issue of the Nautical Almanac. The only difference is that the data for the 'p' for Venus and Mars is updated for the given year. You can get a copy of the current year Nautical Almanac from Starpath,if desired.
I did submit a guest article to David Burch's Blog on Finding Longitude using the Stark Tables in June 2014. You can find the article by going to Articles on the Starpath Home page. Then click on Guest Articles and see Finding Longitude from Lunar Distance using the Stark Tables by Steve Miller. This article explains how to fill in the spreadsheet that I created to use the Stark Tables. There is a link to download that spread sheet in the article. I hope that this helps. Good luck with your Lunars.
From: Starpath
posted July 23, 2020 01:10 PM
Thank you for making this clear. I did not see clear what they mentioned with the term "p". Now I see that they indicated with "p" the term H.P. I use a formula for the sight reduction calculation P = HP cos(Ha). Now I see that "p" is NOT P; "p" is H.P. That is why I was confused.
From: Grashoff
posted July 23, 2020 01:28 PM
Thank you. I have found the article and it gives indeed a lot of information. ♥
From: Grashoff
Capt Steve Miller
posted July 23, 2020 05:15 PM
You are quite welcome, glad I could help.
From: Starpath