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The direction on earth of some point relative to the true North (True bearings) or magnetic north (Magnetic bearings). If the bearing to Mount St. Helens is 135 T, you find this direction by facing north and then rotating 135° to the right. Due east has a true bearing of 090°.

A phrase like "due east" always implies true bearings unless specified otherwise. If the bearing to Deception Pass is 050 M, you would face magnetic north and turn 50° to the right. If your steering compass has no deviation, it should read 050 when Deception Pass is on the bow. The difference between true and magnetic bearings at any one place called the magnetic variation at that place. It is given on all nautical charts. See Deviation and Variation.

The phrase "the lighthouse bears 320 true" means the true bearing from your location to the lighthouse is 320.

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