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ECDIS Chart No. 1

Chart No. 1 is the name used internationally for a printed booklet of printed chart symbols. They come in most languages. The latest version of the US Chart No. 1, also has a section or column for the equivalent S-52 symbol (loosely called ECDIS symbols) for each paper chart symbol.

The name ECDIS Chart No 1 refers to such a presentation devoted strictly to the (ECDIS) symbols shown on ENC. We know of two of these. One is a printed version in our textbook Introduction to Electronic Chart Navigation: With an Annotated ECDIS Chart No. 1, and the other is an IHO product that is made up of a series of ENC charts. Each of these charts is presented and organized around Sections used in Chart No. 1, (i.e., Section K = rocks), but now each symbol is interactive and you can cursor pick one to get its meaning.

The IHO set of ECDIS Chart No. 1 ENC files are located in Mali, West Africa. A set of these is included in the Sample_Training_Charts used in navigation courses, or they can be downloaded from the IHO. Most sets of ECDIS include these and they are all the same ones provided by the IHO, meaning not improved so some of the symbols with known values are still listed as "New Object."

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