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A pathway in qtVlm is a saved series of marks, each having a Lat, Lon, and name. It can be used to identify a track or route to be followed, or to just draw lines to solve piloting problems, or just to measure distances between two points or along a multi-leg path.

A starting time can be assigned to the pathway as well as estimated SMG for each leg.

A pathway can also be activated, which means that in real navigation on the water, or when running the qtVlm simulator at home, you can assign that pathway to be followed. That will make the next waypoint (WP) the navigation target so instruments can display distance to next WP, course to next (WP) cross track error meaning distance away from the line between previous and next WP, velocity made course, meaning how fast are you getting to the next WP at your present COG and SOG. You can then set up the navigation to automatically advance to the next WP on the pathway when reaching a certain distance from it, or manually switch to the next one when you choose.

The list of waypoint positions, ranges and bearings between them, plus ETAs (once a start time and speeds are assigned) can be exported as a pathway plan for a hard copy of the intended track.

See also route.

See: Setting Marks, Measuring Ranges and Bearings (8:44)

See also
pathways in qtVlm

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