US Nautical Chart Group Catagories
Starpath online course on Electronic Chart Navigation


NOAA Chart Regions

02 - Block Island, RI to the Canadian Border
03 - New York to Nantucket and Cape May, New Jersey
04 - Chesapeake and Delaware Bays
06 - Norfolk, VA to Florida - The Intracoastal Waterway
07 - Florida East Coast and the Keys
08 - Florida West Coast and the Keys
10 - Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands
12 - Southern California - Point Arena to Mexican Border
13 - Lake Michigan
14 - San Francisco to Cape Flattery
15 - Pacific NorthWest - Puget Sound to Canadian Border
17 - Mobile, AL to Mexican Border
22 - Lake Superior and Lake Huron
24 - Lake Erie (US Waters)
26 - Lake Ontario (US Waters)
30 - Southeast Alaska
32 - South Central Alaska
34 - Alaska - The Aleutians and Bristol Bay
36 - Alaska - Norton Sound to Beaufort Sea
40 - Hawaiian Islands

USCG Districts

  1 - ME to NJ
  5 - DE to NC
  7 - SC to E. FL
  8 - TX to W. FL
  9 - Great Lakes
11 - CA
13 - WA and OR
14 - HI
17 - AK