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Starpath Engineering Examiner

A unique resource for anyone studying for an Engineering license

See also the related product the Engineer's Library, which contains over 40 volumes of reference books and home study courses on all aspects of marine engineering.

$   ...item# 1813

Starpath Engineer
We no longer carry this, or other engineering products. We leave this description here to tell a bit about the exams that might be useful to some and to maintain the support link for past customers.

This CD is a compilation of all the examination questions and diagrams used on USCG engineering exams. It includes the complete contents of these seven books, published by the USCG:

    1. Engineering General Subjects
    2. Electricity
    3. Engineering Safety
    4. Motor Plant
    5. Steam Plant
    6. Illustrations and Diagrams
    7. New and Revised Questions

The complete set of paper books sells for about $270 (and obviously cannot be searched or filtered).

The questions are presented within the Starpath Examiner module, which allows users to select and filter the question database to meet their study needs. From any general topic, you can select out questions that match keywords of your choice. This filtered out pool of questions can then be filtered a second time for even more specific organization.

Then select the number of questions per test and the type of scoring (percent of test or percent of answers). All results can be saved, so on subsequent practice tests you can limit the questions to ones missed on the first test.

If a question contains a diagram, that diagram will appear automatically in a separate window at the click of a button, and the diagram can be zoomed or resized for convenient display. Many of the diagrams are very complex, and with this option you can study the illustrations in whatever detail is needed.

There is also an option for sorting (tagging) any question into two categories for subsequent study. One application of the tag scheme is to mark the "easy" ones that you do not want to ever see again, and the "hard" ones that you will want to come back to at some point. As long as you save your results at each practice test, you also maintain knowledge of which ones you missed and which you got right during a practice test.

Below is the Questions window, showing 1st question of a test of 30, which have been filtered to include "lube oil," as shown in the Set up window below it. When you save a session, the window will show that name, rather than "untitled." There were 85 questions in the Motor Plant book that contained "lube oil" in the question.

In the setup window you select the book, score method, presentation order, and filters.

The first view of the diagrams is of the entire picture. You can then zoom and resize to best see the parts you care about.

A zoomed view of the diagram above.

System Requirements:
Any Microsoft supported version of Windows, including Win8. It will also run on a Mac with a Windows emulator.


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