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chart outlines

When multiple adjacent echarts are loaded at the same time and quilted, we often cannot discern where the actual chart borders are located. The chart outlines function is turned on, then the borders are marked by thin colored lines.

The colors can have different significance in different programs. In qtVlm, the blue lines show the borders of the charts in view, even if just a small part is in view, and the red lines mark the outlines of charts that are completely covered by other charts. There is no distinction being made between ENC and RNC with these colors.

To access a red outlined chart, you have to zoom in until the display scale is closer to the compilation scale of that chart than any other at that location. Once at the chart, you can choose to view that one only if you want more control of the view without others being displayed. In qtVm it is right click, show this chart only.

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